Monday, July 28, 2014

The Network

There are five of us.  We are not well-known.  We are not special; other than to our families and loved ones. We are as different as night and day.  Our families, our lives, our stage in life, our hobbies and habits – all different.  But oh so much alike.  We love each other and those around us.  We help each other and those around us.  We cry and pray; we all have problems.  But many times we are praying and crying for each other, and for other’s pain.  Not in weakness, for we are strong.  Stronger than 200 or 300.  We are the network.  We can make things happen.  We MAKE things happen.  And then we celebrate; the tiny wins and the huge victories.
Many times we are asked why?  What makes us different?  What makes us unique?  What makes us love each other and others as we do?  I have only one answer.  God.  It is only because of His love in us that we want and can do what we do.  As I said, we are not special, but together we have been able to do great things, for us, for each other, and for others.  I cannot even list the many people who have been served, and served well because of the network.  Not to our detriment or expense, but to our pleasure and joy.
While I was going through a divorce and caring for two babies, two of the single brave ones in the network actually left their home in the big city to move to my funky suburb - to the same block where I lived.  The reasoning was ‘she’s going to need help.’  Now THAT is the network at work!

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