Wednesday, July 30, 2014


We do not have to give lavish gifts in order to be generous.  We do not have to make grandiose gestures to show our kindness.  Today I was given the opportunity to experience kindness, generosity, patience and good humor from a business partner.  Nothing to be gained for them; all for our benefit.  Nothing they were getting from us; it was just to show us a better way.  When people and businesses decide that there is more to life than profits and their bottom line, than themselves, everyone wins.  I know from experience that giving is better than getting.  The satisfaction that one has when providing or sharing something, when teaching or enlightening someone is not to be compared with the attainment of a gift or thing.  Things are things; they’re just stuff and they don’t last.  When we share of our time, resources, expertise, for the benefit of others, everyone can succeed.   Teaching or helping someone to attain a skill is like teaching someone to fish….

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