Monday, July 7, 2014


Boring.  That’s the first word that comes to mind when we think of the word ‘routine.’  We might mention it in the context of young children needing a routine in order to be well adjusted.  We might say if we have a good routine at work we will be organized and on track.  But we would never say ‘hey, what a cool routine I have,’ or ‘man, am I ready for my routine today!’  Routines are just something we all need in our day to go from one thing to the next; a formula for getting our jobs done and to take care of our families and our homes.  The daily habits done in the same way and many times at the same time.  Does that sound like fun????!!!  But let me tell you why I’m thankful for routine.  Even on a bad or sad day, there’s always the comfort of routine.  There’s a great ease and even security that comes from the predictability of it.  When we perform these everyday mundane chores, we already know the outcome.  I know that when I do the laundry I have to wash, I have to dry, then hang, then fold, then put away.  There’s no thought put into it.  Doing routine tasks that require little effort and no imagination is soothing and relaxing.  Most of the time we don’t even have to think about doing it.  We just do it.  There’s no stress or distress in the monotonous tasks; and that in itself brings satisfaction.  Just a finished product; sometimes even a great finished product!  And there’s contentment in a habitual and methodical job well done; but it’s a great deal more than that.  Even the ordinary and unremarkable is necessary.  Think … where would be without these daily chores, tasks, duties, jobs?  Where would we be without our routines? 

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