Wednesday, July 2, 2014

First Day

Yep, so much to give thanks for, but where to start?  Obviously, at the beginning.  Nothing I can think of, nothing I can do, cannot even BE, without God.  Thank you God.  Thank you for letting me be.  Thank you that you are not only my Creator, but my Savior, my Father, my Daddy, my Go-To, my Expert at Everything That I Need.  Thank you for showing me your love in countless and beautiful ways every single day; every single time I need it.  Thank you for letting me be a freak and kick and scream and throw a tantrum, and then fall in your arms.  Thank you for knowing me wholly, fully, completely, and loving me anyway with an eternal love that I cannot even begin to comprehend.   Thank you for considering me your baby, your little princess, your special jewel.  Thank you Father, thank you daddy.  Love you always.


  1. Love your relationship with God!!!

  2. I’m so glad you start it this blog! We all need to be more thankful!
