Sunday, July 27, 2014


The little gray girl came to us several years ago.  She needed a place to stay for the weekend while her relatives were being relocated.  Helpless and needy.  Tiny and shy.  Skinny to the point of possibly malnourished.  But oh so adorable!!  The truth is that we weren’t looking for her.  Weren’t interested in adopting a little girl.  Didn’t even cross our minds.  The kids fell in love with her and years later she’s part of our clan.  For our family this was huge.  It was moving completely to the other side – the feline side.  Historically we had been ‘dog’ people.  It was unheard of.  It was like an abomination.  But it took only two days for us to see the light; to be converted.  To buckle under her spell and to plan a life with the little lass. 

She’s precious.  When the kids were younger, she was a not just a pet.  She was like a little sibling to them.  Many made up bed time stories were about her.  Every night she sleeps with one of the kids; and when they’re not home, she has to sleep with me.  She’s not aloof; she’s loving and sweet and never met anyone she didn’t like – as long as they scratch her head.  She’s a perfect pet.  Out most of the day, but inside when I get home.  She’s a great companion.  On long stretches without the kids, she’s a little being to come home to.  Someone to say hi to, feed and take care of – even if that chore is so small.  It’s the fact that she’s there.  She gifts me with her cries and purrs next to me.  There is never a lonely day with her.

Oh we’ve had our moments.  Like the time the house became infested with fleas and we were eaten alive by the parasites.  It took bombs, sprays, baths, and a lot of praying.  We just didn’t know what to do.  Or the time when she took up biting.  Of course, not having any history or point of reference, we just didn’t know that we were there to please her.  Scratching her head for a few seconds didn’t work for her, so she took to biting.  Silly humans!  But no matter what she brings, Meems is still the perfect little girl!

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