Saturday, July 26, 2014


Peace.  Tranquility.  Joy.  Steadfastness.  Contentment.  Relaxation.  Renewal.  Refreshment.  Quiet means different things to many people.  I know some individuals who do not like quiet.  They are uncomfortable with it.  They have to turn on the TV or radio or iPod.  Some folks go window shopping, go visit friends, go out to eat or the movies, anywhere so they won’t be home in the quiet.  I don’t claim to know what’s best for everyone.  I’m sure if I asked I would get a ton of answers why some don’t like quiet.  But I don’t get the need for noise.  To me there’s perfection in being still in the quiet.  Absolutely tranquil and in thought.  It’s exactly as the expression that says ‘I can hear myself think.’  I have an opportunity to really think, really analyze, and truly delve into a thought.  It’s an opportunity to relax and examine yourself.  Contemplate and dig into your beliefs.  Not trying to get all Zen; just real.  How would we assess a critical issue if not by giving it complete value and time?   Anything that is worth doing, anything that requires our attention, whatever we must work on or re solve should have our full and undivided attention.  For me that’s quiet. 

Now, we all know there’s no perfect quiet.  I can be at home in silent mode, but it’s never completely noiseless or soundless.  I hear birds once in a while.  I may hear the air conditioning going on or off; or the fan rattling just a tiny bit.  My cat’s stealthily walking through the kitty door; and dare I say it, the texts!  But on a good quiet day, even those noises become background and not the point. 

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