Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rescued X 3

I went over some shrapnel.  I had no choice.  There was no other way.  Drivers were going 70 mph on both sides and I had no option but to go right over it.  It didn’t feel awful.  It sort of felt like cellophane or some kind of crinkle paper; like the one used to wrap those fancy baskets of fruit or chocolate.  The beautiful baskets you see everywhere at Christmastime.  But I digress.  I was on a heavily transited freeway with nowhere to go but forward; so I did.  Hmmm, that’s a strange noise coming from that 18-wheeler next to me.  I wonder what type of cargo he’s hauling….oh no, it’s me!  Seems the shrapnel just shredded my tire.  I tried my best to slow down and move to the shoulder but it wasn’t easy when cars and trucks were whizzing by me, honking and who knows what else. 

I admit it was a little scary sitting on the shoulder.  Thankfully, roadside assistance guy arrived after only two hours AND my car idled for the entire time with the air conditioning full blast.  While the car was being towed, I called the office and asked a colleague who she thought might be kind enough to come give me a ride.  She immediately said David from Accounting and transferred me to him.  He said ‘I’m coming right now.’   When I thanked him he said ‘glad I could help.’  I then texted my sister who works close to my office and she said, ‘I’ll cancel my plans to see Byron.’  At the end of the day she picked me up from work to take me to the tire place.  Seriously, who wouldn’t be thankful with so much kind help?


1 comment:

  1. Galatians 6:7
    Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
    I also have a wonderful sister that help me last week with car issues!
