Friday, July 11, 2014

Family Lunch

For many years my family has celebrated birthdays, baptisms, graduations, engagements, and other assorted milestones and holidays by getting together for potluck lunch after church services on Saturday.  The majority of our family attends church and we all have to eat lunch; so it makes it easy.  Our family matriarch, my mom, her 6 children, grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren.  And, let’s not forget the ‘adopted’ children; the friends who have, through time and the sharing of good and bad, become part of our clan.  Consequently, our family lunch is truly a great, big party, always accompanied by a lot of people and a lot of food.  Simple and domestic.  Simple and delightful.  What may appear to others as a simple occasion to share sometimes unremarkable food, is truly an opportunity, much thought out and welcomed.  We all look forward to family lunch.  An opportunity for the family to get together, without pretense, dress ups, or hidden agendas.  We are all who are and we are all there because we love and honor each other.  I can’t think of a better way to share in life’s events than with the people I love most in this world during family lunch. 

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