Sunday, November 2, 2014

Finally Fall

I live in Texas and so our seasons aren’t really seasons.  We have a looooooooooooooooooooong summer, a two-week fall, a mild winter, a two-week spring, and…..back to the looooooooooooooooooong summer.  So, by November we are really, really ready for a change.  Ready to be done with the 90 degree weather.  Well, at least I am.  If you talk to born and raised Texans, they think would be happy with summer all year around.  So I’m deliriously happy to be enjoying 50s.  To have to break out real shoes and socks and jackets and yesterday I even grabbed a scarf because I was going to be outdoors.  Ahhh, life’s great joys.  It reminds me of all the great things about fall – decent walks that don’t leave you sweating after a few yards; not lowering the air conditioner ‘just two degrees’ because it’s still too hot!  And one of my favorite times of the year is also a great time for food.  We feel like hot chocolate, and we feel free to make soups again, yummy heavy foods, and our ovens get a lot of wear as we roast and bake.   When you visit someone they offer you tea, hot tea.  Not the standard Texas sweet iced tea!  Welcome fall!

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