Thursday, November 20, 2014

Blessings All Around Me

When I started this blog it was with the intent of being thankful.  I don’t have a problem with gratitude, I thought.  I’m always thanking people and I thank God every day when I pray.  But I wanted to challenge myself to write about something I am thankful for every day.  Well, life gets in the way.  Sometimes life is bigger than my intentions.  But my gratitude is always there.  In the past few weeks there have been days so full – busy, stressful and riddled with challenges that all I could do at the end of the day is drop in bed.  Some days I’ve been confronted with words that left me fearful and sad.   But I thank God for those days too.  There’s a growth purpose for all those it touches, not just me.  Even though I may not be writing, I see God’s mercies towards me.  I see them in my family, when they offer help, advice, a listening ear, a meal, or help with a pickup.  I see them in friends’ texts, checking on me.  I see them in an offer to go to lunch and decompress.  I see them in my church family who call and leave me encouraging messages ‘God is at work, things will get better, they will work out.’  And I even see them in the humor offered by colleagues.  Can I smile?  Can I laugh at a time like this?  Yes I can, and I do!  Thanking God for everything in my life today. 

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