Tuesday, November 11, 2014

And…Winter’s Here!

I’m thankful for winter for many reasons.  Some of these are silly, but they’re all still pretty great.

 Things to love and do in winter:
·         The holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s!

·         Snow, if you’re lucky!

·         Everything smells cleaner

·         Baking

·         You wear all your cute scarfs and you can actually wear a hat without sweating

·         Hot chocolate and apple cider are on the menu everywhere

·         Ice skating, even if you’re rotten at it, is cool

·         Christmas lights, Christmas music, Christmas movies, Christmas food, Christmas parties

·         Winter vacations

·         Snow days off work and school

·         Chili, soup, stews and anything in a crockpot

Things you can get away with in winter:
·         No one will know if you didn’t shave your legs (or your underarms!)

·         Wearing hideous or mismatched pajamas

·         Big, heavy, fatty meals, because we all expect to gain weight in the winter, don’t we?

·         You can bypass your monthly pedicure

·         Sleeping late and napping – who could blame you when it’s dark and cold outside?

·         Hallmark, Lifetime or Cooking channel marathons

·         You have a great reason to NOT work out – too cold, my face would freeze!
Keep Calm because Winter is Coming

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