Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quite Unique

I know many people think she’s a wonderful person and a great young woman; but they don’t know it and feel it quite like I do.  She was my baby for years; six years to be exact.  Then I had my son and it changed things for us.  He became my priority; but it didn’t alter my feelings for her.  She was more than special then and still is now at the age of 21.  I remember so many of our times together when she was little.  I had many opportunities when I looked after her.  We had sleepovers just because and little outings to the park or the playground at McDonald’s.  We watched Disney movies and I told her funky made up stories, while she recounted in detail everything she could remember about her day, her friends, what she did the night before and the shoes she wanted to buy.  She was very particular about the clothes she wore and could obsess about the color or shape of a pair of socks.  But we always had fun.  One time that stays in my mind is babysitting her one afternoon.  She was watching the movie Mulan.  I was pregnant and tired and dozing off on the sofa.  When I woke up she was wearing her bathrobe with a sash tightly wrapped around her waist, white knee socks with flip flops, and had her hair up in a tight bun – the spitting image of Mulan! 

She’s all grown up with her steady boyfriend and soon to graduate from college.  She’s a beautiful young woman physically, yes, but also in mind and spirit.  She is smart and kind.  She’s a true, loyal friend, and a giving person.  She loves children and hopes to have many of her own.  Poor dear, she has no idea!!!  She honors her parents and minds her younger siblings.  She’s crazy about romantic movies and the latest fashions.  Our relationship has transformed through the years.  Now we are more friends than aunt and niece.  We don’t have sleepovers nor do I babysit her; but when we get together we talk at length about the things that matter and the things that she looks forward to in her future.  I couldn’t be happier that she actually wants to share with me.  She’s such a joy and a blessing; and more than quite unique. 


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