Thursday, November 13, 2014


This morning I gave God thanks that I wasn’t a homeless person.  My furnace went out and I survived for a few days – it wasn’t that cold and the space heater I had was good enough.  But yesterday the house was just too cold.  The little heater that worked so well the last few days was no match for the bitter, freezing weather.  I was wearing clothes, my jacket, a scarf and was bundled up under two blankets, but I was still cold.  My feet, hands and nose were frozen.  I had offers from several family members and a friend to crash at their place, but you know how it is.  You’re comfortable in your own space with your own stuff.  I was reluctant; but then I got up and went to check on my daughter and that’s when I made the decision.  Just walking down the hall to her bedroom I felt as if I was outdoors.  We packed up and went to my brother’s house.  It felt hot when we stepped in; but it was such a relief.  We finally started to defrost as we got ready to go to sleep.  The bed was so comfortable.  We had extra pillows and soft sheets and a nice quilt.  We slept soundly.  I don’t remember even waking up once. 

So this morning I thanked God for the comfort and warmth.  It’s not often we do this.  We take so many things for granted – life, health, family, homes, jobs, food, transportation, AND heat when it’s cold outside.  I thought about the homeless.  Where and how did they sleep last night?  Did they have enough covers?  Would they be able to huddle with others at least?  Were they warm at all?  I can’t believe that anyone sleeping outdoors would be warm when it’s in the 20s.  No matter how many coats, blankets and makeshift walls made out of cardboard.  Today I thank God for his provision for us.  Always timely.  Always perfect.  But I also thank God because I know He gives us these glimpses so that we can have compassion for others. 

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