Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I had a wonderful weekend.  I didn’t go out of town.  I didn’t party.  I didn’t try a new, fancy restaurant.  I didn’t go shopping.  I didn’t even lie down to read a good book.  I had a TFW – a tech-free weekend with two teenagers.  My sweet daughter was grounded and her cell and iPad put away for a few days.  The wrench in my little plan was that my niece was coming over to spend the weekend with us.  So, I asked her mother if she could do me the great favor of having my niece hand over her cell phone so that she and my daughter would have a weekend to spend together without technology.  She said yes. OMG!  What an incredibly difference it made!  From the moment that they met, they talked and laughed.  They also talked with me all weekend.  We actually looked at each other.  There was not one time that I had to tell them to get off the cell phone to do something.  We talked at breakfast.  We talked on our way to church.  We talked when we went to Starbuck’s.  We talked when we came out of the movie theater.  We talked while they chose dresses.  We talked while we shopped.  We talked when we went out to lunch.  I think I’ve made my point here.  I hadn’t had that much face-to-face time with these girls in months.  I felt like I was reconnecting with them.  As if I meeting up with family I hadn’t seen in years.  Very thankful for a TFW!

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