Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I dare anyone out there to compete for the cutest, most tender, most affectionate, most kissable kid ever!!!  Madrid is 4 years old and he’s little at about 3 feet tall, but he’s crazy special.  He’s smart and funny and loves to snuggle to hear my made-up stories.  He loves coming to my house because, even though my kids are teenagers, I still have plenty of toys, legos and a train table in my family room.  He appreciates that I always have fruit – I think it’s his favorite because he grazes for hours  and leaves my fruit bowl empty at the end of the day!

He is the best kisser ever.  By best kisser I mean non-stop kisser.  He is always kissing someone.  He doesn’t really need any reason.  Of course you get the hello and goodbye kisses, but you also get many more in between.  Madrid kisses because you’re sweet to him; because you’re holding him, or because you happen to be sitting next to him.  Other times he kisses you because you told him you loved him.  And still other times he kisses you because he said ‘I love you.’  Sometimes he kisses you because you’re in his way!!!  I’ve been surprised when I’ve been in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes and he comes up, his tiny little self, and lands a kiss on my leg or my bum!  Or, if he’s playing on the floor and notices your leg…well, you’ll get a peck on your calf at the very moment! 
Today I give thanks for the sweetest crazy kid that I love so much. He couldn’t be more kissable!

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