Friday, October 10, 2014


We have all been touched by death.  No matter how old we are, someone in our family, someone we knew, loved, appreciated or cared for has died.  It’s the law of life; as soon as we are born we are progressing toward death.  Not trying to be morbid here, just stating a fact.  But because I know this, doesn’t make death any prettier.  I understand death is a fact of life, but I’m still not looking forward to it.  I want to be on this earth for as long as I can.  I want to see my children grow and mature and have families they will share with me.  I want to laugh with my sisters for many years to come; even if we’re laughing about menopause and frailties.  Just because I might be old and in poor health someday doesn’t make me any hungrier for death.  It’s still an unwanted.  I don’t want anyone I know and love to die.  I want them here with me.  I want them to enjoy everything there is to this life; even when I'm gone.

I’m sure some day my mother will be so old or so ill or both that I will thank God when she passes into sleep.  But that doesn’t mean I want her gone.  I’m sure some day I will die, but someone will be sad and miss me when I’m no longer here.  Our time on earth is precious - we have so much to do, so much to see and enjoy and share.  Let’s thank God every day for a new day and for all the days we have here.  Let's not waste time.  Our tomorrows are never guaranteed.  Let’s not take life for granted. 

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