Monday, October 20, 2014

You Had Me at Hello

Not to mention this again, but it is my birthday month. I've given myself permission to do great and different things, see friends and family, try new places, and just enjoy it all. Yesterday I caught up with some old friends. What a treat!!!  This is a special group of friends.  We all worked together many years ago; and even though we have all gone on to jobs at various other companies, we always communicate.  We want to keep in touch.  Through the last 10 years, we’ve seen life changes, divorces, sickness, and sadness.  But we’ve also seen great moves, health, renewed relationships, weddings, graduations, and a lot of good things. 

Yesterday we caught up by spending a very lengthy lunch which started in the afternoon and spilled into evening.  Five hours later, tons of appetizers, plates of food and desserts of all kinds everywhere, we were still sitting and laughing about a friend’s recounting of her new relationship.  It was the last story of the evening, and weren’t we glad we asked!  The story started when they met at church many years ago.  Guy meets our friend.  They date, but he’s noncommittal; so it doesn’t work out and our friend breaks up with him.  On the rebound, guy quickly gets married to another girl.  So…..guy realizes his mistake and divorces even more quickly.  Feeling unworthy and ashamed, he never gets in touch with our friend again.  After a few years, our friend, whom we found out has impeccable investigatory skills and is a consummate stalker, finds out he’s divorced through the magic that is public records and Facebook!  She finds out where he goes to church; and after peeking at him through the pews for a couple of months, finally approaches him to say hi.  Cut to the end of the interminable story, she had him at hello.  They’re seeing each other again.

Today I’m very thankful for my cool group of friends.  Never a dull moment with them. 

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