Monday, October 13, 2014


I’ve been slacking off.  Well, to be honest, I haven’t.  You’ve heard it said that life gets in the way sometimes.  Responsibilities abound.  Children’s needs are at every turn.  Work never ends.  Caring for a home is non-stop.  So, I thank God for this blog that I started and which has been a huge blessing for me.  But I also appreciate that I have my priorities straight.  While this blog is a responsibility and a commitment, it’s not nearly on the level of importance or urgency as the other concerns in my life.  So lately it’s been a little on the downslope.  But not because I’m not thankful.  I am everyday.  It’s because life gets in the way.  And I’m thankful that I can give myself permission to miss this deadline and not others of greater significance. 

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