Tuesday, October 7, 2014

In the Moment

I’m sure we all have them - those times when we ask ourselves, ‘what if?’  What would our lives be if we could go back and relive some of the things, experiences, or relationships we missed?  What if I hadn’t broken up with that girl when I was 17? What if I’d pursued a college education?  What if I hadn’t had that horrible fight with my dad?  What if I had helped my sister when she asked?  What if I hadn’t moved to Texas?  What if, what if, what if!  I know we all do ask ourselves that question.  Or its first cousin, ‘if only.’  If only I hadn’t married that guy.  If only I’d taken that trip to see the Taj Mahal.  If only I’d bought my son the car he wanted.  If only I’d accepted the other job offer instead of the one I did.  If only, if only, if only.  We never use those phrases in a positive way, it’s always in reference to something we missed, or thought we missed.  Seems like a wasteful and sad way to live! 

I worked with this guy who was so remarkably smart that I just enjoyed every interaction I had with him.  Although he was a little too Zen for me, he always seemed to have the last and true word when he said ‘in the moment.’  His colleagues knew that whenever he chaired a meeting, there would be the habitual ‘let’s think of this in the moment.’  Or if he had to coach a young team member, he would say ‘please, be in the moment.’ If someone dare ask what he meant by that, his answer was simple, ‘you need to be present, engaged, and ready to go.’  He didn’t have time for the many options or possibilities.  He didn’t waste time with the ‘what ifs’ or ‘if onlys.’  He just evaluated the current facts and made decisions.  I loved it!  

So, let’s be in the moment.  Let’s not lose precious opportunities.  Let’s not waste time reliving the past or longing for something that cannot be.  The past is past.  Ummmm, that’s why it’s called past (I’m so smart).  And let’s not focus or worry about the future.  It’ll create its own burdens and concerns.  Let’s be present in our now.  Let’s enjoy what we have - now.  Let’s not miss what we have by wishing for something else.  Let’s not miss anything available to us now by looking backwards or forwards.  Let’s be grateful for whatever we have and is in our lives now.  Let’s live in the moment!

1 comment:

  1. It’s easier said than done, but I want to try, thanks!
