Wednesday, October 22, 2014


My life is full.  It is quite busy.  I don’t complain though.  I’m thankful.  I know exactly what I have; and it’s a lot.  I can’t even imagine how other single moms or dads manage work, responsibilities and multiple kids.  I thank God for the privilege He has given me to be a mom and to love and raise my kids.  I thank God that I’m of service to others and can teach and help in many ways.  And today I just thank God that I have my job and many activities to keep me busy.  Honestly, some of them I wish I didn’t have to do; but all of them work for my good.  When you’re going through tough times, there are many things you can do – you can thank God because there’s always something to be thankful for, you can pray with others and for others, you can lean on family and friends, you can accept pain as part of life and growth, and you can view things realistically and with hope.  But today I’m really thanking God for work and activities.  Sometimes things just take time.  You just have to patiently wait.  And it’s during those periods that I thank God for the fullness and busyness of my day. 

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