Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It’s Not About Me

I admit it.  I have done it.  I don’t always do it; but I have done it. I say I won’t do it, I don’t want to do it; but sometimes it’s just there.  It happens when I’m really, really tired.  Other times it comes about after a particularly trying day.  And still others I can tell it’s when I’m frustrated because I feel people haven’t really heard me. But I know the many instances that it crops up it’s just because I live in an imperfect world with imperfect people just like imperfect me.  I feel sorry for myself.  There.  I’ve said it.  I feel sorry for poor, little old me.  Someone was mean to me.  My kids aren’t paying attention.  My friend forgot my birthday.  Poor, sad, little me. 

Last week I had one of those days.  I even shed a little tear.  Okay, a couple of tears.  Waaaaaahhwaaaaaahhh!  I felt so injured.  So hurt.  So lonely.  Then even worse – I went back in time to my elementary days – this is so unfair!!!  It’s almost funny to me now.  I can tell you that when I consider the reason I was feeling so sorry for myself, it’s ludicrous.  But that’s what happens.  You get a few little hurt feelings and rub them together like kindling to start a nice little fire.  Then you get your little cake and a few balloons, and there!  You have yourself all the makings of a great pity party.  No guests needed. 

But although God hasn’t gifted me with beauty or a sparkling personality; he has, thankfully, given me some common sense.  So, I got up and washed my face.  I immediately contacted three people who I knew were having life issues – a friend with cancer, another friend with a son in jail, and another friend who just broke up with her fiancé.  Certainly they all needed a word of support. I needed to remind myself that life is not about me.  And caring for others always takes away our inward focus and self-centered thoughts and ideas.  We tend to forget how great our influence can be in this world by a good ear, a kind word, a timely hug, a prayer offered in response to a need.   I can’t tell you how great I felt after that.  Thanking God that it’s not about me. 


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