Friday, October 3, 2014

About the job

It’s hard to listen to someone complain about their job.  First of all, I want to say that I too complain; have complained, and will probably complain at some point about an aspect of my job.  No matter how incredible the job, how great the pay, how well-suited you are for it, the fact is that we all have days when something bothers us, frustrates us, or when we just plain have to do something we don’t love or that isn’t our strength.  But I’m not talking about a bad day or a pet peeve.  I’m talking about people who routinely complain about their work.  Do you know one of those?  His boss is ignorant and doesn’t understand how to run the business.  Her colleagues are slow and can’t work at the same pace she does.  His pay is below market value and he will never reach his earning potential.  No one can be more ethical, honest, truthful or hard working than she is!!!  Now tell me, once you’ve heard the complaining, how many more times do you want to hear it?  Two, three times?  Five?  Seven?  Or alternatively, when you’ve heard it enough times, what happens?  Are you turned off by this person?  Do you not want to talk to this individual anymore?  Or does it maybe make you want to complain about your job too?  Like whose job is worse than the other’s?

If you’ve ever been in a situation on the giving or receiving end of this, here’s another way of looking at this.  Can you think of one person, just one person who would want to have the job?  Anyone?  Can you venture a guess as to why?  Maybe the person is unemployed?  Is it the type of work?  The pay?  Benefits?  Flexibility?  What about this job would be good, interesting, valuable or worthwhile to this person?  Would he perform the job better?  Would she enjoy it more?  Would he be a better employee?  And how many others would want the job?  I believe if we would look at it from that perspective, we would place great value in these jobs – no matter what we might dislike or be unhappy about.  And if we’re really unhappy, then the best thing to do is just move on.  We don’t do anyone any favor – not ourselves or our employers when we choose to remain in a place that just isn’t working for us.  Instead of complaining, let’s just move on!

Today I’m very, very grateful for my job. 

If you're unhappy, you should change what you're doing. Picture Quote #1


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Carmen, I LOVE my job! it's not perfect everyday, but I love the people that I work with and the people that I serve!
