Monday, September 22, 2014

Too Soon

I have heard people say ‘he died too soon.’  I’ve said it too.  I said it about my dad when he died at the age of 50.  I said it about my brother’s best friend; he died when he was in his early 20s. I bet we all have someone in our lives who we consider died too soon.

What I remember most about him is his big, broad, but shy smile.  He had the most beautiful smile.  He was one of those people who could light up a room.  Not because he was the friendliest, most boisterous or engaging.  It’s because he was so understatedly charming and special.  So mature and thoughful for a teenager.  He was not just handsome; he was striking, with gorgeous dark curly hair against his fair skin.  So sweet and polite.  He didn’t just say hello.  It was more than that.  It was a shy smile, a kiss and a hug.  He didn’t miss anyone; everyone got a special hello.  And so kind.  I’ve heard many stories of his taking the shirt of his back – literally.  He gave away his clothes, books, food, money.  Never kept anything back.  So many were drawn and attracted to him.  But I believe it was the others, his true friends, that saw the truth.  They saw the vulnerable little boy; the maturing but still timid young man.  They saw his kindness and intelligence, but also saw the true inner light and love that radiated from him. Those friends knew him, loved him, cared for him, and still care about him.  Still remember him. Still love him.  Still celebrate his life.
Seven years.  It seems like a week ago he was here.  Those of us who knew him thank God for his life.  But we all know he died too soon. 

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