Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Clean Slate

I don’t know anyone who likes moving.  I haven’t moved in the past 16 years, even though I have been tempted several times.  I’ve seen a lot of friends and family move over the years and it’s always a tedious, boring and stressful process.  With the culling of clothing, books, kitchenware, tools and taking the time to get rid of years of stashing and maybe even a little hoarding.  It’s not always easy to weed through meaningful family treasures and mementos or souvenirs from vacations of long ago!!  They all bring back memories. 

But a move forces you take a critical look at your possessions and helps in the downsizing.  Nobody wants to take unwanted or unneeded stuff with them.  Who doesn’t like the idea of a clean slate?  When you move, you always have a fresh start.  No matter where.  Whether it’s an apartment, a house, or even an office, you have the great opportunity to begin anew.  Thankful for the prospect of a new beginning, a new launch, or even the probability of a new creation.  But it’s still a lot of work! 

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