Thursday, September 25, 2014

Not my will...

I prayed for His help and for His will to be done.  I told myself that He is in control, but it still stung.  I thanked Him for letting me go through this.  We cannot love and trust only in the good periods of our lives.  It’s times like these that test our faith and our commitment to God.  And I want to trust more.  I want to commit more.  I want to love more.  But it still hurt.  We were never promised a life of all yeses and thumbs ups.  We were not promised happiness at every turn.  We were promised an abundant life if we believe, love and follow Him.  And that’s exactly what I want – a full life in Jesus in spite of my personal outcomes.  A few days ago I gave thanks for past failures.  Today I give thanks for being met with impolite rebuffs, difficulty, refusal, rejection and antagonism. I know, I believe, I trust that it all works for my good as a child of God. 

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