Thursday, September 18, 2014

It is better to give....

I love presents.  I love gifts.  I’m not one of those people who invites you to a birthday party and ensures that the invitation says ‘no gifts please; the pleasure of your company is all I need.’  Nope, that’s not me.  I enjoy getting gifts.  Big and small.  When someone gives me something, whatever it is, I want to open it right away.  I want to see what’s inside.  I love the element of surprise.  I want to see what the person thought to get for me.  Now, I have to admit that the majority of the gifts I’ve ever received, I could go buy myself.  I can march myself into a mall right now and pick up a couple of dozen things I would like.  But it’s so not about that.  It’s not about the money.  It’s really the thought that went into it.  It’s the fact that someone took the time to go pick out something special for you.  It’s not the cost of the gift.  I’ve received tons of small, inexpensive, but priceless gifts.  The thought that someone put in the wrapping or the card attached.  The fact that they remembered something you said 7 months ago when you were window shopping together.  A book they knew would just ‘speak’ to you.  Your favorite color or something for a collection.  Something small that you would not thing to buy for yourself, but still needed.  A homemade gift.  I love and appreciate getting all of these.
But as much as I adore being showered with gifts, there’s no greater feeling for me than when I give.  It’s not just the shopping, wrapping and giving.  It’s the anticipation of the mirror effect.  I give something and I see the joy in the person’s eyes and I’m sure they can see the joy in me.  Giving makes me happy.  But the greater gifts are the ones where you’re totally anonymous.  No one knows you gave.  No one is the wiser.  Only you know that you gave to a cause, to a person, to cover some need, or a special situation.  That kind of giving is more special because there is no immediate reward.  There is no one thanking you, eyes shining and wide smile.  There’s just the reward in your heart.  And as much as I’ve given throughout my life, I know I’ve been more than paid back in blessings and joy. 

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