Friday, September 26, 2014

Distribution Lists

Just two years ago I wouldn't have dreamed that I would be texting so many for so many reasons.  But my favorite way to text these days is via the distribution lists.  It's fantastic to share with many all at once.  I find myself informing, preparing, congratulating,  supporting, displaying, consoling, agreeing, voting, alerting, and encouraging via cell phone.  But the most use on these lists lately is the praying and responses.  There's obviously a lot of need; I'm not the only one doing this.  It's great to have a 'community' of friends come together to pray for one another in our good and bad times.  Although I know all this is virtual, during difficult times I've felt the encouragement.  Some send quick prayers, others send words of encouragement, while others delight in the sharing of bible verses.   As if many were there holding my hand; speaking soft words of wisdom.  Like small pats on the back.  Sometimes like tiny little hugs; priceless gifts sent from afar. 

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