Friday, September 12, 2014

Bare Walls

I’m not a minimalist, but I play one on TV.  Ha!  My daughter doesn’t like my naked walls.  She declared the other day ‘when I have a job and a house, I’m going to buy a lot of art and put it all over my walls.’  I think she says that because the only thing up in my house is a large mirror –    N-O-T-H-I-N-G else.  I like simple and uncluttered spaces.  I’m not a very fussy person; and my style is very plain.  I would like to say that I’m a minimalist, but I’m not.  As a matter of fact, I have too much.  Right now I’m sitting on a few boxes in my bedroom and many boxes and bags in the garage.  All full of stuff.  Don’t ask me what stuff.  Okay, stuff I brought back from different trips.  Stuff I bought just in case someone has a baby.  Stuff to give to someone at church.  Stuff to send to Goodwill.  Stuff for a garage sale; and stuff I have to go through and maybe throw away.  My kids are teens, but I still have a play table full of Legos, army men and other trinkets.  I also have coloring books and boxes of crayons and coloring pencils.  I keep them because when my nephews and nieces come over…..well, you know.  I also have to cull my books and pick through the sets of silver.  I have clothes in my closet I haven’t worn in years.  I have beach purses I’ve never worn to the beach.  My linen closet has too many ‘just in case’ towels.  Just in case what?  I decide to host the Rangers overnight?  I’m just not ruthless when it comes to discarding things; but I do have empty walls.  Maybe someday I’ll find great art to put up on my walls, but for now, I love those bare walls. 




1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to get rid of stuff I've accumulated over the years ... the process is not easy because there are many emotions involved, sadness, grief, anger, relief ... but once you start, everything becomes easier ... in the last month I have given away, sold, recycled and thrown away so much ... this process began a month ago when I decided to sell my house ... thanks for sharing ...
