Saturday, August 2, 2014


She was born 14 years ago to the delight of many; but none more than mine, her mama.  I remember in the delivery room her grandma cried when she first saw her little face, ‘she’s beautiful.’ And she was.  With a tiny turned up nose and the roundest face I’d ever seen; one lonely dimple on her right cheek.  Her eyes almond shaped and a wisp of hair on the crown of her head that reminded me a lot of the Alfalfa of days gone by.  She was small; born a month ahead of schedule, but she was perfect. 

These days I seem to remember a lot.  The day she was born; the day she crawled; and how easily she started to walk before she reached her 10 months.  I recall so clearly how the tiny bit of hair turned golden around her sweet face.  The way she pronounced words that ended in d – dad became dash, mad became mash.  It was so special.  To this day we remind her when she was learning her alphabet and numbers.  She would adamantly explain the difference:  ‘this is a letter and this is a lumber!’ 

My beauty is now a young lady; so full of promise and life.  So smart; with a dry sense of humor like me.  And she’s also kind.  She’s giving and generous; but she’s never boastful.  I have never heard her tell me or anyone about a good deed she has done.  How she may have helped someone or given advice or shared of what she had.  I hear it from her friends, or maybe her teachers.  Sometimes from an adult who may have witnessed it.  And I thank God for her.  I thank God for her young heart.  I thank God for my gift from heaven.  I can’t wait to see her beautiful life unfold. 

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