Sunday, August 17, 2014


Thanking for the much needed, slow-soaking rain and a beautiful Sunday.  In Texas, we just lack rain.  Ever since my move here from New York, I’ve always thought it was way too hot and too sunny in Texas.  My first summer here I pretty much stayed indoors until sunset.  Of course my words are sacrilegious to Texans who live and die for the sun and their many outdoor activities.  And believe me, I appreciate it.  I am grateful that my kids have actually grown up in Texas.  The entire year, but for very few days, they are playing outdoors.  It’s what I always wanted for them.  But for me? I adore my rainy days.  I have heard of people who have seasonal affective disorder (SAD), where their mood changes in fall and winter and they actually experience some sort of depression.  Not to make light of a very real condition, but I think I have the total opposite; I have GLADD – gotta love a dreary day!!  I actually love these days.  I look forward to cold, gray days.  Cloudy, foggy, overcast, I love them all.  I don’t wait for them so I can stay home and take a nap while listening to the rain hitting my rooftop.  I love them because to me they seem to refresh, clean and bring about peace.  Maybe I’m just making too much of the rain; but right now, I don’t hear any cars on my street or anyone walking by with a stroller or their dog.  Sounds pretty perfect to me! 

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