Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Her love is like no other.  Sometimes I think about the kind of mother I am to my kids and, frankly, it makes me a little sad.  I will never be like her.  I will never be the kind of mother she is.  Her love and care reaches out to me in so many ways.  In her 70s, she still watches over me.  And her support, I cannot even describe it.  There have been so many times, too many to count.  Times when I’ve needed her, and she’s been there.  Other times she has been around just in case I need her.  As a matter of fact, I can’t recall a time when I was in trouble and she wasn’t with me – to help, to ease, to quiet, to soothe, to pray, to hold me.  To show what real, present motherly love is about.  Her passion for her kids has no limits. 

My mother wasn’t born in this country; nor did she move here as a child like I did.  She lives in a country that is not hers because her children are here.  She doesn’t drive or speak English very well.  She is not the independent human being she is in her native country in South America.  We all know that she loves her visits there; but her heart is here, with us. Whatever we need help with, she’s there.  Whether it’s to feed a pet while we’re on vacation, or to sit a child if we need to go out, she jumps at the chance.  We talk every single day; because she calls to check on us or we check on her.  She has taken care of every single kid, grandkid and great-grandkid in our family – even recently at 78 years of age. 

Many years ago when I asked my then-husband to move out, I was devastated.  My mom was not with me.  She was on one of her trips; having fun, and enjoying a much needed vacation and rest.  I didn’t tell her what happened.  I didn’t call her.  Not because I didn’t need her desperately, but because I really thought I could tough it out a few days until her return.  But my dear sister decided my mom needed to know.  Thank God!!  My mom was on the first flight back.  She surprised me when she walked in my house.  I fell on her sobbing, unable to contain my heartache.  She just said, ‘I’m here, I’m going to take care of you now.  I’ll be your husband now.’  While that may sound odd to some; I understood exactly what she meant.  She would be with me through this tough period.  She would take care of me and whatever else needed taking care of.  She would see that the kids were okay.  She would be my support.  She would be there for me – every step of the way; until all was well and beyond. 

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