Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kid-free Week

What have I done this week?  Maybe I can say what I haven’t done.  I haven’t done any laundry.  I haven’t cooked.  I haven’t cleaned the house.  I haven’t had to buy any school supplies.  I haven’t had anyone to pick up or drop off.  No one has asked me what time I’ll be home or what’s for dinner.  I haven’t had to remind anyone to take their meds or pick up after themselves.  I haven’t told anyone to put away their technology.   I’ve had no schedule or places to be other than work.  I’ve had fried chicken and biscuits that I bought on my way home.  I’ve watched movies; I’ve gone window-shopping and ate out – all with adults and no kids in tow.  I love my kids, my gifts from heaven, to no end.  But right now thanking for a splendid and relaxing week! 

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