Sunday, August 24, 2014

One Man's Trash....

Never before has it been so acceptable to take another man’s trash as our own treasure.  All we have to do is look around the many online sites, apps, and postings to see that the reuse and recycle theme is here to stay.  It is absolutely acceptable nowadays, to almost all levels of society, to sell your old or unwanted stuff.  No embarrassment whatsoever in buying either.  We all have items that can be very useful to others out there, and vice versa.  Such discards range from clothing to cars; and everything in between.  I have personally sold purses, household goods and unused tickets.  I bought the cutest trundle bed that my daughter wanted for a new bedroom at probably less than one third the price – and it was spotless!  So, here’s thanking all the people who make this possible.  It’s a great deal for all.

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