Monday, August 18, 2014

Back to School Joy

I don’t think I’m like most people.  I hear that many moms fear the ‘back to school’ weeks like the plague.  They dislike the mad shopping for clothes and supplies and the add-ons to their already packed working moms’ schedules.  You know, sports, practice, lessons, meetings, volunteering; not to mention rushing to dinner at home or via a drive thru.  Ensuring kids get their homework done and that they’re getting enough sleep.  But I’m not like most people.  I’m thankful that my daughter’s back in school.  While it does represent additional challenges to our schedule, I’m thankful for a predictable agenda.  To me, it seems our schedules go back to normal.  Yes, we have places to go and activities to attend, but I can plan life way ahead without once hearing ‘I’m bored’ or ‘what am I doing today?’  I’m also thankful for teachers who care.  I agree, there may not be too many of those; but I am so grateful for the great ones that I know have had a deep and lasting impact on my kids.  Another great thing of back to school is that children are now back to being busy with school work and activities.  Back with their teams, their clubs, and school friends – keeping them active doing healthy and productive things.  And every parent can give thanks for that. 

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