Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Chronicles of Nani

She’s a free spirit.  She’s unconventional.  You will never find her doing what the rest of us are doing.  She’s an individualist.  A non-conformist.   She went to college; got all As, but got bored and didn’t finish.  She’s toyed with the idea of going back to school, but there are many other ideas that are more attractive.  She has her own business.  She likes it that way.  She wants to do her own thing.  She’s an independent.  Nan has had more businesses and jobs than anyone I know.  She’s done everything from being a nanny for a wealthy family, to driving a cab in New York City, to distributing produce, to owning her own restaurant.  And many other gigs in between.  Now, how many people can say that??!!  How many of us would ever dare take risks like that?  But that’s Nan.  She doesn’t follow a traditional pattern.

She’s so smart, it’s not funny.  She’s smart in multiple ways.  She’s book smart.  She’s street smart.  She’s tech smart.  She’s handy smart.  She’s kid smart.  She’s savvy smart.  She’s the kind of smart that even if she doesn’t know how something works, she’ll figure it out.  She’s so smart sometimes I just look at her in wonder.  I could be stuck with something for days and when I finally ask her, because I simply wanted to try to do it myself, she gives me a quick answer.   Something I didn’t think of.  Something so simple and easy.  Now, I’m sure you’re thinking, ‘well, you must be a rock head.’  But I don’t think I am.  Some people even consider me intelligent.  But Nan is just plain smarter that most of us. 

She is kind in the full sense of the word.  Nani is one of the most generous, most caring and compassionate persons.  She’s the sort of sister, daughter, aunt and friend that anyone would be blessed to have.  You can call her at any time of day or night.  She will never say no if she knows there is a need.  I know I can count on her.  She’s more than ready to lend a hand.  Sometimes people take advantage of her because she’s so kindhearted.  I’ve seen her get hurt; several times, by people who were just out to benefit from her goodness.  But that didn’t discourage her.  Her resolve for helping is not predicated on what others do for her or how others treat her.  It’s based on her goodness of character.  That’s Nan and I love her!  Thank God for her!

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