Thursday, December 4, 2014

That Time of the Year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  As a Christian, this is a special time of the year for me.  Celebrating and commemorating the birth of my Savior is special.  But I have to admit that the majority of our time is not spent at church or recounting the birth of Jesus.  It’s with celebrations with family and friends, and all sorts of spiritual and securlar traditions have helped to make this a very special time of the year.  Always.  I have friends who are not Christians, who do not celebrate Christmas, and just take this time of the year for a few days off and relaxation.  But, even they admit that around Christmas people are nicer, more giving, in a better mood.  So, why are people in a better mood at Christmas?  I took a quick poll and some of the answers were:  family, more food, a break from classes, religion, family time, vacations, bonuses, family trips, lights, sleeping in, there’s a constant reminder of love, gifts, seeing more of family.  So, at least for my family, the reason we are happier and in a better mood is seeing more of our family!!!   Thanking God today for the birth of Jesus and for our family.

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