Tuesday, December 16, 2014

No Gifts Required

It’s Christmastime.  We all know what’s expected.  We all know that we have to give out some gifts; at least to our loved ones.  I love receiving gifts; I really do.  I really appreciate that someone took the time to get something for me.  But I love giving gifts to others even more.  So, throughout the year, I do plan some gifts.  I order things online or if I’m out and about, I do pick up something I think might be meaningful, special, or fun for someone.  So, come Christmastime, I have plenty of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and other service people to whom I like to present with a gift. 

So, last night I had dinner with a good friend.  He is a great friend.  He’s always encouraging me and giving me advice from a male point of view; and is never judgmental.  So, naturally I want to meet up and have our Christmas dinner; but I also want to show my appreciation with a thoughtful gift.  And I did.  And he didn’t have anything for me.  And, of course, he felt bad; but I didn’t.  We had the best time catching up and just enjoying each other’s company.  We talked about our families and our jobs.  We chatted about how fast our kids are growing.  And then we had a heart-to-heart about this time of year – what the plans are, what is meaningful, what is fun, what we want to teach out kids about it, and what we will remember about it in the future.  Then he apologized again for not taking a gift for me.  I assured him that his friendship was all the gift I needed.  And I meant it.  Grateful today for great friends - no gifts required.

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