Friday, December 5, 2014

Little Kids

I have teenagers and I love them to death; but they’re teenagers.  They’re at that wonderful stage where they don’t need me; they just need the stuff.  They’re pretty silent; unless they’re with their friends.  They’re off in their rooms and their things and their interests.  Sigh!  I long for the little kids who used to adore me, who needed me, who wanted to share every single little thing with me.  Kids who were excited on outings; curious about the world – who had fun with me.

Yesterday I had a 7 and 4 year old for Christmas on the Square.  OMG!  What a difference!  Yes, they were a little needy.  Yes, they were all over the place and I had to keep my eyes peeled.  Yes, they wanted a lot of stuff.  But, oh what a magical age!  How fun they were!  Totally excited at the tree lighting and the icy toboggan.   When the fireworks started it was all I could do to keep the 7 year old from knocking everyone down on her path to make it up the stands to get a better view.  How grateful they were to get hot chocolate and cookies.  And when they saw the barrel train, they just got in the waiting line.  We didn’t have a choice.  But oh, nothing compared to the excitement when they knew their turn had finally arrived and they could make their own tiny little snowman.  A little challenging in Texas fall 70 degree weather.  They picked out hats and scarfs, arms and noses and buttons to finish the awesomeness that was their snowman made out of melting ice. 
Thanking God today for beautiful, grateful, fun, enjoyable, challenging, totally amazing little kids!

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