Monday, December 29, 2014

Yes, Jesus thank you again!

Dear Jesus, today, as every day I want to thank you for life, love, health, family, friends, work, opportunities, being of help, intellect, beauty, freedom, ability to make choices, and many other innumerable daily blessings.  But today I really want to thank you for not giving me what I ask for.  I don’t know better.  You do.  I pray hard and completely for some things.  I pray in earnest.  I pray believing.  I pray that you will give me that which “I know” is best and is within your will.  But dear, dear Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you!  Thank you because I don’t always get what I ask for.  Thank you because you know best – always and forever.  Thank you that you give me the opportunity to realize that your ways are not my ways.  Thank you because I know that your path and plan is infinitely perfect and excellent.  I thank you today, as I don’t know the future, but you do.  I thank you because your wisdom and knowledge will always shine in the end.  I thank you that in the darkest of nights, I know that day is coming.  A day brighter than any other because of the Sonlight.  And even if I don’t have answers here, everything WILL be revealed, on that day.  Today I praise you and thank you Jesus!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Grown up Christmas Wish

Christmas on the brain; and Christmas music all around,'s one I heard today that really, really reflects my wishes!  Thanking God that Christmas isn't about presents, but about loving Him and others more each day!

Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown-up now
And still need help somehow.
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list
As children we believed
The grandest sight to see
Was something lovely
Wrapped beneath our tree
Well heaven surely knows
That packages and bows
Can never heal
A hurting human soul
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list
What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end, oh
This is my grown-up Christmas list
This is my only life long wish
This is my grown-up Christmas list


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Top Ten

This morning I heard about the top ten Google searches of the year.  It’s always interesting to see what others are searching for and looking at and interested in.  I’m sure we all have our top number of something.  Our top outings, top memorable moments, top new restaurants, top people, maybe even our top headaches of the year!  So here are my top ten whatever I’m grateful for this year:

·         My kids – God love them!

·         My mama - what would I evah do without her!

·         My family – they’re crazy but I love them!

·         Opportunities to help others

·         Work – appreciate having a career; a job that sometimes keeps me sane!

·         Travel – in every form

·         Laundry – I know I’m weird, but I love the routine of it.

·         Hallmark Channel

·         Friends who like eating as much as I do

·         Nothing Bundt Cakes – it’s a bunk, bonk, bon, this cake has a hole in it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

No Gifts Required

It’s Christmastime.  We all know what’s expected.  We all know that we have to give out some gifts; at least to our loved ones.  I love receiving gifts; I really do.  I really appreciate that someone took the time to get something for me.  But I love giving gifts to others even more.  So, throughout the year, I do plan some gifts.  I order things online or if I’m out and about, I do pick up something I think might be meaningful, special, or fun for someone.  So, come Christmastime, I have plenty of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and other service people to whom I like to present with a gift. 

So, last night I had dinner with a good friend.  He is a great friend.  He’s always encouraging me and giving me advice from a male point of view; and is never judgmental.  So, naturally I want to meet up and have our Christmas dinner; but I also want to show my appreciation with a thoughtful gift.  And I did.  And he didn’t have anything for me.  And, of course, he felt bad; but I didn’t.  We had the best time catching up and just enjoying each other’s company.  We talked about our families and our jobs.  We chatted about how fast our kids are growing.  And then we had a heart-to-heart about this time of year – what the plans are, what is meaningful, what is fun, what we want to teach out kids about it, and what we will remember about it in the future.  Then he apologized again for not taking a gift for me.  I assured him that his friendship was all the gift I needed.  And I meant it.  Grateful today for great friends - no gifts required.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep

When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep
Counting my blessings

When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep
Counting my blessings

I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds

If you're worried and you can't sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you'll fall asleep
Counting your blessings

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Growing up in New York City is something that I will always remember with fondness.  Our family lived in an older apartment building in Upper Manhattan.  We had brutal winters in New York when it was bitter cold and the wind howled through the cracks of the iced-over windows.  We not only wore sweat suits to bed, but also socks, gloves and hats.  Then in the hot summer time with no air conditioning, we threw the windows completely open.  We bathed in humid air and had no choice but to wear the skimpiest clothing or just t-shirts to sleep in.  Those were the days. 

Now that I’m older and wiser (and have all the heat and air conditioning I could hope for), I wear pajamas.  I know a lot of people don’t like pajamas.  Some people think that they’re dowdy or boring, or maybe too hot.  But they’re my personal favorite.  I try not to be obsessive about pajamas, but I think as I get older I might be getting pickier.  They have to be ….. just so.  In the last year I’ve bought four pairs of new pajamas.  First pair was great.  Pull on elastic waist pants with a button down shirt in off-white with tiny little red flower bunches.  All soft and stretchy cotton with a perfect fit.  I was so happy I remember sending out selfies sporting my new pajamas.  The love didn’t last long.  The more I washed them, the smaller they got.  My daughter wears them now.  Second pair was bought in the spring.  It was a cool cotton shorts and top set.  As key-yoot as can be; with a beautiful navy paisley print on a pink background.  And then I put the top on and man if it didn’t give!  I couldn’t move my arms without it tugging at my underarms.  And when I crossed my arms it felt as if I was in a straightjacket.  I wore an XL t-shirt to bed that summer.  Third pair was bought this fall.  Three quarter sleeve shirt with nice pull on bottoms in a cotton/polyester blend.  Don’t do it.  Take it from me.  As nice and supple as it felt the first couple of nights, it was a waste of money.  Within the first wash the three quarter sleeves shrunk to two quarters; and the pants are so pilly that I can’t stand to wear them anymore.  I found out later that pilling happens, especially in synthetic fabrics like polyester, by wearing or washing!  Hmmm, I wonder if I could get away with not wearing or washing my PJs!  Last pair, bought last week, was a find.  I learn from my mistakes; so I went all cotton top and cotton gabardine bottoms.  Wish me luck!

Monday, December 8, 2014

True Christmas Spirit

We are in full swing and I missed it.  I was too tired Friday night and completely forgot one of the most beautiful of our family’s traditions – the live drive through nativity.  Every year we do several things around Christmas – we go see lights - check, we go to Christmas on the Square - check, we have trim-a-tree – a great tradition where the family comes over, you feed them, and in turn they bring ornaments and help you decorate your tree – check, check, check.  But we also do the live nativity and this year I missed it.  It’s easy to miss something during this time because there are so many commitments to share with others, so many parties, so many invitations, so many lunches and dinners, and get-togethers.  But the live nativity is a short but beautiful experience of the true meaning of Christmas.  It has live actors, live animals and beautiful scenes, artwork and choir music.  But it is much more than a beautiful representation of Jesus’ birth.  It is a retelling of Mary and Joseph’s road to Bethlehem.  It’s the story of God’s son Jesus, and his humble birth and beginnings on earth. The miracle of a God made man for us – His precious children.  The birth of sweet baby boy in a manger; but also the complete truth about salvation through a babe that would become man - God with us.   It is the story of Emmanuel.  It is what this season is all about.

Thanking God for His beautiful Son Jesus, the God who descended to earth for each of us.  Thanking God that this season is not all about us, but Him. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Little Kids

I have teenagers and I love them to death; but they’re teenagers.  They’re at that wonderful stage where they don’t need me; they just need the stuff.  They’re pretty silent; unless they’re with their friends.  They’re off in their rooms and their things and their interests.  Sigh!  I long for the little kids who used to adore me, who needed me, who wanted to share every single little thing with me.  Kids who were excited on outings; curious about the world – who had fun with me.

Yesterday I had a 7 and 4 year old for Christmas on the Square.  OMG!  What a difference!  Yes, they were a little needy.  Yes, they were all over the place and I had to keep my eyes peeled.  Yes, they wanted a lot of stuff.  But, oh what a magical age!  How fun they were!  Totally excited at the tree lighting and the icy toboggan.   When the fireworks started it was all I could do to keep the 7 year old from knocking everyone down on her path to make it up the stands to get a better view.  How grateful they were to get hot chocolate and cookies.  And when they saw the barrel train, they just got in the waiting line.  We didn’t have a choice.  But oh, nothing compared to the excitement when they knew their turn had finally arrived and they could make their own tiny little snowman.  A little challenging in Texas fall 70 degree weather.  They picked out hats and scarfs, arms and noses and buttons to finish the awesomeness that was their snowman made out of melting ice. 
Thanking God today for beautiful, grateful, fun, enjoyable, challenging, totally amazing little kids!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

That Time of the Year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  As a Christian, this is a special time of the year for me.  Celebrating and commemorating the birth of my Savior is special.  But I have to admit that the majority of our time is not spent at church or recounting the birth of Jesus.  It’s with celebrations with family and friends, and all sorts of spiritual and securlar traditions have helped to make this a very special time of the year.  Always.  I have friends who are not Christians, who do not celebrate Christmas, and just take this time of the year for a few days off and relaxation.  But, even they admit that around Christmas people are nicer, more giving, in a better mood.  So, why are people in a better mood at Christmas?  I took a quick poll and some of the answers were:  family, more food, a break from classes, religion, family time, vacations, bonuses, family trips, lights, sleeping in, there’s a constant reminder of love, gifts, seeing more of family.  So, at least for my family, the reason we are happier and in a better mood is seeing more of our family!!!   Thanking God today for the birth of Jesus and for our family.

Monday, December 1, 2014


I was talking with my daughter about the virtues of taking care of oneself.  Not that I’m a prime example, but as parents tend to do, I still want her to learn about life even if I’m not all there yet.  We were talking about body lotion, of all things, when she mentioned that my hands were soft.  I told her that several people thought my hands were soft even though I have dry skin and she looked at me incredulously – like, really mom?  So at that very moment I conducted an experiment and sent a text to the women in my family – sisters, nieces, etc.  My survey was a quick ‘please tell me one word to describe my hands.’  I did get ‘soft’ and ‘young,’ but the first word that came back was ‘helping.’  I read it; and honestly, was just very happy to see that someone thought I had helping hands.  So often we use our hands for our work and for our benefit.  We take care of our loved ones and do our chores.  We even take care of our own hands with good creams and manicures; but I’m sad to say that we don’t always use our hands to help others.  Or if we do, it’s minimal. 

I'm thankful for my hands. I do everything with my hands. I can’t think of one thing I did today without my hands.  I can’t think of even getting out of bed without my hands.  So often we focus on our needs and wants that we bypass the most incredible of blessings and what we already have.  The simplest of things in our lives, like our hands.  I never think of my hands, but what would I do without them?  I cannot imagine a life so impaired.  But more importantly, what am I doing with them right now?  If I take the time to teach my daughter about taking care of the skin on her hands, what am I teaching her about doing for others with her hands?  For the first time in years I took her to help make sandwiches for the homeless.  I have been doing this for a while, but only on weekends when she’s at her dad’s.  So, we made sandwiches while she asked a lot of questions.  Where do the homeless live?  That close to the school?  What’s happened to make them live in the street?  How do we get the food to them?  Do we talk to them or just give them the lunch sacks?  It really made me think about the not-so-great job I’ve been doing when teaching her life's most important lessons.  That it isn’t about her.  That our purpose isn’t me, myself and I.  That there’s no real joy in living for oneself and one’s gratifications.  So, I’m renewing my resolve to use my hands to help others; but also to model it for my children.  Thankful for my hands.