Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Best Day

My daughter was sick.  Not sick enough to quarantine her, but sick enough not to go to school.  She also made me miss work because she hates staying home alone AND because she said ‘mom, I want you to stay home and take care of me.’  How can I say no??!!  This is a 14 year old.  This is the daughter that has recently just about written me off her life in favor of her friends and social media. This is my sweetheart who has in recent months discovered that she’s way smarter than me.  She knows everything and has so little need for my advice and direction.  ‘You just don’t get it mom.’  It’s a miracle that I’ve survived these many years with this gigantic gap in knowledge and intelligence.  And maybe she’s right; maybe I don’t get it.  I don’t understand why someone who is as gifted as she is, will routinely respond to most of my questions with an ‘I don’t know.’   

So, with all this going on in her head, how often does she want to spend time with me?  Almost never.  Maybe I’m being generous.  The answer is never!  But I do think she realizes that she needs me; even if it’s only for a few essentials here and there.  And when she’s sick.  So this day was different.  It was splendid.  This wondrous day; the most special day I’ve had in months, was totally the opposite.  From the moment she asked me to stay with her she wanted to be with me.  We talked and talked.  We discussed a lot of things - her friends, school, church, some challenges.  We lounged together, ate together, watched TV, napped, and even spooned – at her request – ‘mom, hug me.  I love you.’  Really?  When she woke up from the nap she said, ‘I miss you mom, can you hug me?’  Umm, I thought,  I miss you too, where have you been?!  But I didn’t say a word, I just climbed back into bed and hugged her some more.
Thanking God for incomparable days like these.

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