Thursday, January 22, 2015

30 Seconds of Fame

This morning there was a contest on the radio.  It was simple.  There were a few questions asked and, if answered correctly, the winner got 30 seconds of air time.  30 seconds to say anything they wanted to the world.  Imagine that! What a cool prize!  I immediately assumed that the persons who were interested in this free air time would use it for a great commercial to advertise their business.  Then I thought, maybe someone wants to propose on air.  Or perhaps there’s an important fundraiser and they can use the radio to get the word out to so many people. I quickly though, ‘how would I use those 30 seconds?’  A woman won.  She sounded young; I would guess about 30 years old at most.  The DJs were giddy with excitement as they congratulated her.  I cranked up the volume.  I was really curious about how this woman would use her air time.  Then the DJs gave the rules for the 30 seconds of airtime.  ‘You have 30 seconds, and 30 seconds only.  You can say anything you want; anything at all.  It’s up to you.  So think about what you want to say.  30 seconds go quickly.’  They rang the bell.  And the winner spoke.  ‘I just want to thank God ..…….’ and her voice immediately broke.  You could hear her trying to compose herself as she swallowed hard.  Then she softly said, ‘I just want to thank God for everything He’s done for me.  I want to thank Him because He’s always been there and He’s gotten me through so many things in my life.   And I wish everyone would know him like I know him.’  Then it was time for me to swallow hard.  I also wanted to thank God.  Where would I be without him?  He has gotten me through so much indeed!!!  Honestly, I don’t know how I would’ve used those 30 seconds, but I know that to witness for God IS the best use of 30 seconds, a few minutes, an hour, or a day.  Thank you dear daddy!


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