Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year/New Hope

Another one bites the dust!  Time does go by fast.  2014 is gone and we’re well into 2015.  Already one week!  I’m very grateful for 2014.  A year of health, growth and discovery.  A year to help those in need.  To make new friends and try new things.  As I look back at last year, I can also think of some incredibly challenging experiences.  Sad moments.  Disappointing times.  Who hasn’t had their share of disappointments?  I can think of two or three in the last couple of weeks; even during the holidays!  But here’s a great, fresh new year.  I know that as God’s children, every single day, even hour or minute, is a fresh start.  But there’s a sense of newness and great expectations in the start of a new year.  Even if it’s just psychological.    Even if we don’t make resolutions.  There’s still a newborn year ahead of us.  And so many opportunities in front of us. 

So, here’s my pledge for this year.  I will continue to be thankful.  I will not give up; even when I want to.  I will have hope till the end.  I will trust more in the power of goodness.  I will believe and trust more in the God who created heaven and earth and sea, and every living creature.  And when I’m tempted to waiver; I will pray and ask God to help me believe; and I will give thanks.  Thanking God for hope today. 


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